


Most of you know that I'm passionate about Microsoft Dynamics GP. If you don't, go read some old posts. Go ahead, I'll wait. Back now? Ok, good.

I wasn't always this way. Somewhere along my GP path I decided to embrace the product. I realized that I would get farther by leveraging GP, not fighting with it. Knowledge of GP is now a skill that will win you a job over otherwise qualified people. This blog is a direct result of my embracing GP.

We've hit a transition point at work that I'm not yet at liberty to blog about but I've made a decision to leave my role at Transit TV and move back into the GP consulting world full time. The folks at I.B.I.S were kind enough to give me an opportunity to do just that. It also looks like I will get an opportunity to play in the Knowledge Worker/Business Intelligence space as well. I love toys and I'm looking forward to more time with SSRS, MOSS, Analysis Cubes and whatever else I can find.

So what does this mean for the blog? Not much will change. I subscribe to the theory that a rising tide lifts all boats and there's not nearly enough water in the GP sea. I will continue to contribute to the GP ecosystem as a whole and help people whenever I can. The podcasts and videos will continue but I have to get better at a consistent schedule. The blog should get better too because I'll get to spend time with more people and different GP installations. I'll still be on the Newsgroup because RSS makes that dead easy to do. Oh, and I learn a lot more than I contribute there.

Yes, there will some things I can't/won't blog about. But that happens today. I've never been dumb enough to say bad things about my employer in posts. That's just bad form. But the blog won't turn into a giant I.B.I.S. billboard. (Then again, for enough dough... oh,never mind.) I'll still talk about Accolade's books and Jivtesh's blog and find SQL nuggets for you. GP Rocks will still interview anybody from the space, competitors, customers, ISVs, you name it.

The big difference will be that now, you can put your money where my mouth is and see if I'm all talk. I, on the other hand, get to embrace my passion for GP full time.

Appropriately, January 1 is out with the old and in with the new. I'm dying to get started!


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